Sunday, July 16, 2006

More news from the sick house

L woke up yesterday feeling great. We even played outside in the morning for the first time all week. Then things started to go down hill. I put Z down for her nap at 11. She was still asleep at 3. Not a good sign. We had our families over to celebrate L's birthday and even all that noise wasn't waking Z up. I finally woke her up and brought her downstairs, gave her some meds and she perked up a bit with all the attention of grandparents and her aunt. She even had cake and ice cream. Last night she was up many times very sweaty and feverish. This morning she threw up all over me, yummy. But she is a quick learner, when she needed to puke again she stood over the toilet and did it.
I knew she was going to catch whatever L had. I mean, they do nothing but slobber all over each other all day. Sharing drinks and snacks and toys and sloppy kisses. Let's just hope it lasts only a few days I hate being stuck in the house, especially in the summer.
On a brighter note. My mom gave L a bunch of clothes for her b'day from Gymboree. None of them fit. So I get to go back and exchange them for things I really like. I love doing that. AND she gave me her $50 worth of Gymbucks. YIPEE!!!!!


Blogger 4texans said...

Poor Z, I hope she gets better soon. Claire learned to throw up over the toilet, much better than when it was all over her crib, the wall, the floor, etc.

12:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh no! I hope Z feels better soon AND I hope you don't get it.

10:35 AM  
Blogger Sraikh said...

Oh no..not fun.. I hope that she recovers fast!

12:33 PM  

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