Monday, January 02, 2006

4:50 AM

That's what time we got up this morning. I hate when the day starts like that, you just know it's starting off on the wrong foot, to say the least. It started with Zoey letting out a cry. I didn't get up because I knew she'd fall right back to sleep. As I predicted, Zoey fell back asleep right away but then there was the commotion of Lindsey getting up and storming out of her room. (their bedrooms are right next to each other)You would think she was 6 ft tall and weighed 200 lbs with the amount of noise she makes. She came storming down the hall to my room and instead of just coming in she started crying "mommy MOMMY". Naturally Zoey then started to scream too. Oh joy. I settled Lindsey into my bed and then went to settle Zoey back to sleep. As Zoey laid her little head back down in her crib while I was finishing singing my lovely rendition of Bah Bah Black Sheep Lindsey again began to cry for me. Surprisingly (dripping with sarcasm) Zoey didn't want to go back to sleep anymore. So up we were. Let me just tell you what a lovely mood my darling three year old is in now. I need to drug her and put her back to bed or something. Did I mention it's now only 8 AM?


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