Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Lindsey had her first visit to the dentist the other day. I thought she was going to be scared. She has this fear of noisey electronic type things. She's petrified of the vacuum, the blender etc. So I thought for sure the noise of the toothbrush was going to freak her out. But she wasn't scared at all. She was quite the little chatterbox instead. She got to choose the flavor of toothpaste, she chose cookie dough which she thought was just marvelous. I of course wanted to puke at the thought of it. She also got to have a marshmallow flavored vitamin treatment put on her teeth. Again, BLACH, but she enjoyed it. The dentist said her teeth look perfect, which was such a relief. I still remember my first visit to the dentist. I was older than Lindsey, maybe 5 or 6. And I had SIX cavities. God, that was horrible. That started my life long loathing of the dentist's chair.


Blogger Sraikh said...

LOL at her choice of flavours.

And woohoo on the state of her teeth. I should get all three of mine to a dentist as well

12:40 AM  
Blogger catankgirl said...

Those are some interesting flavors...

Olivia has only been to the dentist once as well, but they only looked. The next visit will be are test.

WTG Lindsey!!!

1:37 AM  
Blogger nowwhatelmo said...

I am glad that it went well. Nothing worse than having cavities.

11:09 PM  

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