My poor poor poor little Lindsey. We went to the playground tonight with some people from my mom's group. Every month we gather there in the evening and have pizza together and let the kids run amuck. So Lindsey is playing on this plastic climbing slide thing and I'm sitting about 50 yards away chatting with some friends. I hear L start screaming in this shear panic frenzy and she's swinging her arms all over the place. It took me a few seconds to figure out what was happening. A swarm of bees were all over her. Okay, maybe not a swarm but it looked like at least 6 of them. One mom who was closer tried reaching in the slide/climbing thing to get her but kind of backed off because of all the bees. I ran over and just reached in and grabbed her by the arms and yanked her out and ran back towards the benches hoping the bees weren't following. She only got two stings, one on each thigh. She was hysterical and couldn't stop rubbing and scratching the stings. Luckily one of the mom's had some sting pads from her first aid kit that really seemed to relieve the pain. Ugh, it sucked. I felt soooooooo bad for her. She was utterly terrified. After 20 minutes or so she settled down and played with some of the kids in another section of the playground and the swelling went down quickly. She already had a fear of bees and now she's going to be so so so so so so clingy when we're outside.
I brought her out for ice cream after we left the playground and I was talking to Hubby on the phone about the incident. L could here me talking about it and it was like she was living it all over again. She wouldn't eat her ice cream (which is very unusual for her) and climbed up on my lap and said she just wanted to go to bed. I guess I shouldn't even talk about it in front of her, it freaks her out too much.
Did I mention I feel so bad for her?
Oh no the poor dear.
Did it leave any red marks or anything like that.
What was that other mom thinking. Couldnt she have just grabbed L?
She had two red marks where the stingers went in and they swelled up like a really bad mosquito bite but the swelling went down within an hour.
I don't know what the other mom was thinking. Maybe some people only feel that innate sense to save their own children not ALL children. Or she's just really afraid of bees. Biotch.
I feel bad for L too. Those bee stings kill. Poor thing!
Poor thing! How scary for her! (and you)
Poor L. How scary.
Riley got stung by a wasp the other day. We call them ouchy bugs now. :)
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