Friday, August 25, 2006

Since a few of you were wondering what went askew with putting Z in L's room I'll tell you the story. I felt all along that we should either start with putting Z in a bed in her own room and then after a few weeks move the bed into L's room. Or put her crib in L's room for a few weeks and then get rid of the crib and put her bed in there. You know, so she could adjust to one new thing for a few weeks and then adjust to another thing a while later. Hubby, AKA, Master of the Universe, Knower of All, said, "Nah, let's just move the bed into L's room and have Z start sleeping in there." Well Z wouldn't stay in her bed. L was getting upset that Z was being so disruptive etc etc. So after about 45 minutes the first night we gave up and put Z in her crib in her room and of course she cried and cried to go back in her bed. When we tried again the next night the same thing all over again. Suffice it to say, I was right he was wrong, but that's the story of my life really. So tomorrow we are moving Z's bed out of L's room and moving her crib into L's room and she will start sleeping in her crib in L's room and then in a few weeks/months we will try her in a bed again.
I personally don't think she's ready for a bed just yet. She doesn't seem to have the self discipline to stay in her bed and not get up and investigate the room, kwim? All I really want accomplished at this point is to have Z and L accustomed to sharing a room long before baby #3 arrives, everything else will fall into place. Hopefully.


Blogger Erin said...

I'm sorry it didn't work out, but hopefully, with time, Z will get accustomed to her own bed and you can eventually get her moved. I'm sure that it will work out, she just needs some time to adjust. (((hugs)))

3:41 AM  
Blogger 4texans said...

So I guess "Master of the Universe" now agrees with you? lol! I had a ped tell once that most kids are not ready for a bed until the age of 3. Thanks for sharing your experience!

7:02 PM  

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