Happy Mothers Day Mom, you are so helpful
So my mom calls yesterday and asks if I want her to come over today (sat) to entertain the kids because my hubby is working. So I say sure, why not. So instead of going grocery shopping yesterday with the kids I put it off until today so I could go by myself and then maybe get home and take a nap. Aaaah, a nap. That's the first thing that entered my mind this morning when I woke up, I get to take a nap today, bliss.
So she comes over and I tell her I'm going shopping and she says, "can we come with you?" I said, "are you kidding?" She was serious. She didn't want to sit around the house with the kids and thought it would be fun to get out and then we could go to lunch after. Umm, okay. So off we all went in the pouring rain to the grocery store. While at the grocery store Lindsey is acting a little hyper and showing off because her Nana is there so while I am paying for the groceries Lindsey managed to knock an empty shopping cart over on top of her on the hard linoleum floor. She cried and cried and cried and got a bloody lip and a big scrape on her bum and her back. Needless to say we made a bit of a scene. She was fine in the end but really I would have enjoyed shopping by myself more. So a big old thanks to my mom for coming over and giving me a nice little break from the kids for the afternoon. (dripping with sarcasm)
I might add that this is the same woman who came over to my house after Lindsey was born to make me dinner.(Why she couldn't just make a freezable casserole in disposable tupperware like normal people do for someone with a new baby, is beyond me.) I told her to use paper plates so there would be no clean up. She thought that was tacky. So she used my wedding china instead, the kind that isn't supposed to go in the dishwasher. She didn't clean up. She left my sink filled with dirty dishes that I then had to hand wash. She's so thoughtful.
PS. needless to say I didn't get to take my nap either.
Do we share a mother? Seriously, I think we might!
Hmmm. Lowered expectations could prevent some of this...;)
Sorry it didn't happen as you planned.
Oh my. I'm sorry. That is insane about the china. I'm glad Lindsey is ok. I don't think a day goes by without Noah shedding blood somewhere.
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