Saturday, December 02, 2006

We're Still Alive

Quick update. I've just not been in the mood for blogging lately. My usual blogging time is after L and Z are in bed but now after they go to bed I'm so tired I just lay down in my own bed with E and don't want to lift a finger.
Z is getting over a horrendous ear infection. Poor baby. Hopefully this will explain why she has been such a biotch lately. Wait, can I do that? Can I call my daughter a biotch? Oh well, I just did.
We think E has reflux. Her ped prescribed some meds but so far they have not helped. So needless to say she is not sleeping well at night and has a lot of discomfort. Poor baby.
L is doing well. Had a parent teacher conference at her preschool yesterday. Her teacher honestly thinks that L is one of the brightest children in the class but is not positive she'll be ready for kindergarten next year. She'd likely be the youngest one in her kindergarten class. This is something I need to do a lot of thinking about over the next few months. I know next fall seems very far away but if she's not going to kindergarten next year I need to sign her up for preschool for next year by January and kindergarten registration is in March. Why do plans have to be made so far in advance???
Oh yes, and what about me. Well truth be told I've been hit by a whopping dose of post partum depression. It started about a week after E was born. I've never experienced any type of depression before so it's really thrown me for a loop. It's hard to even admit that I'm going through this. Depression is something that happens to other people, not to me. But alas, I've been to a counselor and I'm taking a low dosage of Zoloft and am feeling much better.Phew, got that off my chest. Anywho, I'll try to be a better blogger again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've missed you. I've been there, not so long ago - and still probably. If you want to talk - lemme know. {{{hugs}}}

11:05 PM  
Blogger allison said...

Glad you're still around and doing well. I can't wait to see more pics of Ella. And what a schmuck above me, eh?

11:50 PM  
Blogger Sraikh said...

I have missed you too. I hope E starts feeling better.

11:19 AM  
Blogger DJ said...

Phew. I'm so glad to see you. I miss you. I called Jessica a name last week when talking to a friend that was probably inappropriate but if you saw her at our family portrait photo session, you would have thought "asshole" was being too kind.

6:36 PM  
Blogger b said...

I've miossed you too. I've also not been in a blogging mood lately. Just don't feel like I have much to say, or am too tired to say what I do have to say.

I'm actually doing my big research paper on retaining summer 5 year olds for an extra year. The paper is due next week, so I should acyually be starting my research this week :O)

I'll let you know what I find out!

I'm sorry about the PPD. I've totally been there. I'm here if you ever want to talk.


9:13 PM  
Blogger b said...

apparently I'm also too tired to spell anything correctly!

9:14 PM  
Blogger catankgirl said...

Thanks for the update. I'm obviously way behind on reading blogs, but I've been thinking about you guys. I'm glad you're taking care of yourself and finding solutions to feel better.

Olivia could have been in kindergarten this year, barely, but I decided to wait another year, and I'm really glad I did. There are very few benefits to starting them early, but lots of giving them an extra year. Of course, only you know best as you know your dd. I know it is REALLY hard knowing what is best for them in Sept when it is more than half a year away! I totally waited until last minute to decide this year, so hopefully I decide earlier this year. It never hurts to sign her up for both, if possible, and you can wait longer to decide. Good luck.

Don't be a stranger.

2:01 PM  

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