Wednesday, May 31, 2006

So last Friday I went out with L, my dearest friend since the fourth grade. We started off at Whiskeys on Boylston St and then went and had dinner outside at Stephanies on Newbury Street. Now I realize IF I was a good blogger I would provide links for these places for your browsing pleasure, but I'm lazy so get over it.
Anywho, Stephanies, was really nice. We got a great seat on the patio for people watching. For B. and DJ and anyone who lives in/near a big city you know what kind of freaks can come out at night in the city. Boston is FULL of people who think they are RICH and GORGEOUS when really they just look like morons. It makes for some good laughs. Some dope driving a shiny red Corvette made a complete ass of himself as he attempted to parallel park right in front of the restaurant. Then when when he finally succeeded and got out of his car he was this middle aged (50'ish) guy dressed in a skin tight shirt and low rise jeans and WAY too much product in his receding hair line. L and I just about peed our pants looking at him. He thought he was sooo hot.
I even splurged and gasp... had a glass of wine. After we'd had dinner it was about to rain so we moved inside and sat at the bar to chat some more and after much convincing from L that I didn't look pregnant at all while sitting down I ordered a glass of Merlot. Why do I really care if I looked pregnant you may ask? I don't know I guess I just didn't want the bartender to give me some incredulous look like I was killing my unborn child or something. Well anywho, we enjoyed ourselves despite the fact that most of the conversation revolved around the fact the L's marriage is in the toilet and she's seriously considering divorce. It sounds much worse than it actually is. She's past the hurt and sad part, now she's just kind of angry and indifferent about the whole thing. They don't have any kids so really it's just one of those things where she needs to make a decision to make her life better and move forward either with or without the loser, I mean her husband.


Blogger b said...

Sounds like a great night! You really went to the best places for people watching.

Glad your friend has someone as supportive as you as she goes ahead with the divorse.

Eek! Horrible thunder overhead, best get off the computer!

8:11 PM  
Blogger DJ said...

I LOVE Stephanie's. Ahhhhhh, my old stomping ground. And leave it to Boston to have its own breed of ugly. I feel like I know the guy you described.

9:39 PM  

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