A Weekend Away!!!!!!!!!!
In honor of our anniversary Hubby and I are going to Cape Cod tomorrow for the weekend. The darlings (L and Z) will be staying at home and my insane mother will be coming to care for them. We were married down the Cape so it's kind of a sentimental place for us. The weather is supposed to be great so hopefully we can spend the days at the beach. Bliss! I can't wait to dig my toes into the warm sand and smell the salty air and do a whole lot of nothing. Of course we plan to gorge ourselves on lobster, clam chowder, fried clams and all the other New England favorites. I'll probably throw a few ice cream sundaes in there too.
Oh, that sounds wonderful! I hope you have a great time celebrating!
Oh, heaven! (But don't they make clam chowder out there with tomatos, I like it better cream based, but the rest sounds great! hee hee) Get lots of pics, ok?
Oh Good Lord Jessica NO! New England clam chowder is cream based you're thinking of Manhattan clam chowder that has tomatoes. Us Bostonians would never dream of eating that. LOL
Happy Anniversary! Have a great weekend away. Nothing like time on the Cape in the summer.
And New England clam chowder is the only real clam chowder in my opinion.
Jessica, I don't know what kind of crap you're referring to but if you like butchering chowdah, do it below the Mason Dixie line.
Leslie, your feet are probably getting wet right now from all of the drool pouring out of my mouth. I am sooooooooooooooooo jealous. I want you to blog about all of your seafood meals when you come back. And Happy Anniversary! How many years has it been?
Oh I hope you have a great time!!
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