Monday, June 05, 2006

Busy busy weekend. We took the girls to the New England Aquarium on Sunday. They had a blast. I think Z liked it more than L. She got such a thrill out of the big fish swimming by in the main tank. She was doing that wiggly squealy giggle thing toddlers do, you know the one, bouncing up and down on her knees. Pretty cute stuff.
Today I took the girls to the party store to buy stuff for L's b'day party. I wasn't even sure if I'd have a party for her. She's never asked for one so I probably could have gotten away with doing nothing more than the grandparents over for cake. BUT I started to fear that she'd say in her innocent little squeaky voice sometime days or weeks AFTER her birthday, "Mommy, when are my friends coming over for my birthday party?" So needless to say what could have been a small family gathering has turned into something else all together. She picked out princess plates, napkins, goody bags etc today for a total of $52 freakin bucks!!! I also rented one of those moon walk bouncy house things for way too much money and you don't even get a refund if it rains. So basically if it rains the weekend of her party I can reschedule the moonwalk for some other weekend when the neighborhood kids can come over and play in it but obviously I can't reschedule an entire b'day party due to rain. Kind of seems like a rip off really. It was one of those impulse things where I really didn't think or listen too clearly to the less than helpful person at the party rental place. Oh well. You only turn four once. Of course I realize that now I've set the bar for every year after this. So by the time she turns eighty she's going to be expecting me to rent out the entire Boston Children's Museum for her and her friends pleasure. Sigh.. what have I got myself into.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm positive it won't rain and L's BD party will be a huge success. :)

8:37 AM  
Blogger b said...

What are the chances of it raining? It's always so beautiful here, never a drop of rain! :O)

Seriously though, I'm sure it will be great!

7:52 PM  
Blogger catankgirl said...

She'll love it! I was too cheap for the bouncy house too, but Olivia is a wimp anyway and it probably would have made her cry. I can't wait to see pictures of how happy Lindsey is at her party!

11:07 PM  

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