Saturday, March 31, 2007

Spring Thaw

Baby E getting a breath of fresh air.

L is sooo happy to be outside. She is wearing what I refer to as her "Elton John" sunglasses.

Z playing in the slush.

It's finally beginning to warm up around here. The girls and I are able to play outside and boy what a difference that makes in our day. You people who live in warmer climates have no idea how looooooong the winter can be when you are trapped inside with your kids.

But I have to admit, even though I'm glad we can go outside I don't like the spring. It's by far my least favorite of the seasons. Everything is all wet and muddy, the grass is all flat and gray and dead. You never know quite how to dress because it could be 40 degrees in the morning but 70 degrees by noon time. And forget about going out to buy some spring clothes because all the stores have out are shorts and bathing suits. And part of my dislike for spring may be psychosomatic . Since two of my little lovies were born in the fall I have been early into pregnancy in the spring twice and I was puking my guts out both times. So with the spring comes the memory of feeling pukey and tired and so I often feel yucky. You know how certain smells remind you of something? Well the sound of robins chirping and mud on the ground reminds me of throwing up.

Happy spring. ;)


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