Monday, June 26, 2006

She's a genius!! L has been able to write her name for a while if I tell her the letters but today she wrote it herself without asking me for any help. She usually says, "mommy what comes after the I" etc etc. What a little smarty. :)

I finally wised up and bought a cheap vinyl tablecloth to use on the kitchen table whenever they do crafts/color etc so I'm not constantly scrubbing marker and glue off of the table. Last year we got rid of our old hand me down kitchen table and bought a nice big new expensive table. Everyone always tells me not to buy any nice furniture or rugs until the kids are older. I should have listened to them. It's a constant battle to keep this table in decent shape. And our kitchen chairs are always always always sticky from their yucky, I mean cute, little fingers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look at that cute Zoey cheesy grin. What a smart girl Lindsey is!!

2:46 PM  

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