Saturday, June 24, 2006

We did a lot of this today. (Do you think she could get any closer to the tv?) A good mother would never let their child stand so close to the tv. Who am I kidding, a really good mother wouldn't even let their 20 month old watch tv. I don't think I like those kinds of mothers. ;)
Because it looked like this outside. If you can't figure it out, it's raining.

I even brought in their filthy wet bikes and cleaned them off and let them ride around in the house to burn off some energy.

This afternoon FIL came over to watch Z and I took L to a b'day party. Doesn't she look cute?

Can I just tell you how horribly long and boring that party was? Really, a party for a four year old should not ever exceed 2 hours. This was three hours of pure pain for me. L thought it was the best time ever of course.


Blogger Erin said...

You are not a bad mom for letting your kids watch t.v. or keeping them inside when it is raining! Good idea to bring the bikes in!

2:07 PM  
Blogger b said...

You should have come to my boys' birthday party instead. Due to the rain it was inside instead of out, and I think people were a bit confused by the speed at which I moved things along. Before anyone was done with their pizza/salad, we did the birthday cake. Presents were opened while cake was eaten. People were out of there 90 minutes after it began!

This rain has been nuts. Any desire to meet up somewhere?

6:42 AM  
Blogger Sraikh said...

LOL..some parents dont think.
Ashwina's party was 2 hours and she is 7.

12:18 PM  

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