Sunday, September 24, 2006

The Little Flower Girl

I didn't get any great pics of my little flower girl. I'm hoping the photographer and other relatives got some good ones. Here she is when we were all ready to leave our hotel room and ride in the big fancy limo to the church. Needless to say she thought the limo was sooooo cool.

Fast forward to about 9:15 pm at the reception. Music blasting, people dancing, and L nearly asleep on Daddy's shoulder on the dance floor. I took her upstairs to our room and put her to bed moments after this pic.

She did pretty well at the actual wedding ceremony considering she is only 4 years old. She walked down the aisle with her new step cousin with out melting down BUT when she reached the alter her little face crumbled and she said "I forgot to throw the flower petals." In all the excitement of walking down the aisle she forgot to toss the petals. So I whispered to her, "It's okay honey. It's really important that you throw flower petals on the aisle when we walk back down too." So after the ceremony, as the bridal party all proceeded back down the aisle she got to walk between Hubby and I and she tossed all of her flower petals. Phew, crisis diverted.

We were having about a trillion pics taken outside the church afterwards, you know, the whole bridal party, now just the bride and the bridal party, now the bride and the bridesmaids, now the groom and the bridesmaids blah blah blah blah so L went into meltdown mode. She was crying and refused to look at the camera so we (Hubby L and I) were kindly released from any further pics until later. We skipped out on taking the limo back to the hotel and instead the three of us drove in our car and made a pit stop at McDonalds. Yup, a Happy Meal was in definite need. In order to not spill on her dress I covered her in two blankets and pretty much fed her like a baby. Four chicken nuggets, some fries, a gallon of ketchup and some chocolate milk later and she was a whole new girl. We arrived back at the hotel for yet some more pics but this time L was happy and smiled like an angel.
The reception went well too. L had a lot of fun with another little five year old (the son of Hubby's cousin so I guess technically they are cousins too). She danced a lot with Hubby and her new step cousins and was completely wiped out by 9:00. I took her upstairs and she fell asleep within minutes. Hubby was sweet enough to bring up a piece of wedding cake for her but since she'd fallen asleep we let her eat it when she woke up this morning at 7:00am. Yup, chocolate wedding cake for breakfast, YUMMY!


Blogger catankgirl said...

What a sweetie! The perfect flower girl! Who cares when she threw the petals, it's the thought that counts, and you did great diverting a disaster.

We went to a wedding saturday night and BOTH kids hardly made it through, and we were in the back row. Ok, Noah only made it 10 minutes, and that was because I was stuffing goldfish in his mouth. We left and daddy spent the rest of the time trying to quiety answer Olivia's relentless questions or shush her.

Sorry to ramble, I'm just impressed how well Lindsey did!

12:00 PM  

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