Thursday, September 21, 2006

Big To Do This Weekend

SIL is getting married on Saturday so Hubby, L and I are all busy little bees these next few days. Tonight is the rehearsal. I've made a managerial decision that L and I will not be attending the dinner after the rehearsal because it will just be too late of a night for L. I'm a bit bummed about not being able to go myself but there's not much I can do about it. Z will be home with my parents and after the rehearsal at the church L and I will head home and Hubby will go to the restaurant and get to eat some yummy food and drink as many drinks as he wants with out having to pay a thing. Do I sound a little jealous?
Tomorrow while L is at school Z and I are going to our first Little Gym class. I've been feeling guilty that Z doesn't get to do anything fun that's just for her. She wants soooo badly to get to stay at L's preschool whenever we drop her off and she wants to stay at L's dance classes too. I feel so bad dragging her around to everything that's all for L and nothing special for Z. So as of tomorrow our Friday mornings will be spent at Little Gym having fun together. The poor middle child.
Saturday L will have dance class in the morning and then sometime in the early afternoon my mom will come over to spend the day and night with Z then L, Hubs and I will head to the hotel where the reception is being held. Get ourselves all pretty and head to the wedding. We'll be spending the night there so whenever L turns into an overtired, overstimulated nightmare she and I will retire up to our room for some sleep while Hubby gets to drink himself into a puddle with all of his cousins and such. Again, do I sound jealous?????
Another little thing, my due date is three weeks from tomorrow. I'm starting to loose my mucous plug. I bet you really really really wanted to hear that! I like to refer to it as gobbledeegook coming out of my hoohoo. Though I'm not getting too excited about labor starting anytime soon. I'll very likely go until my due date as I did with both girls. Though a little early would be nice, sigh.. one can dream...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL @ gobbledeegook coming out your hoohoo!! I hope you guys have a great time at the wedding. Take lots of pics.

5:06 PM  

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