I can never get a good pic on Christmas morning.
It must be because of the chaos of Christmas morning but I never capture any good moments on camera. We all had a great day. We spent the early morning opening gifts and then from 10-12 we went to our neighbors house for brunch and mimosas. Lets just say when we returned home at noon time both Z and mommy took a nap. I'm such a light weight. But there was no way I was going to make it through the day after having two mimosas. I was exhausted.
Dinner turned out great and it was nice and laid back just having my parents over. I didn't even clean the house for them. I literally woke up from my nap moments before they arrived.Nothing like a Christmas morning buzz.
L testing out her new set of wheels. Notice Z in the background, feeling a wee bit jealous I think. Thankfully just days before Christmas we were out in the driveway riding bikes, well I personally wasn't riding a bike, but anyway, Z was on L's tricycle and for the fist time ever she peddled all by herself. So now she can joyfully take over L's three wheeler while L moves on to bigger and better things.
Z, just cause she's so cute.
Christmas morning chaos.